Monday, 11 April 2016

Francis poulenc- sonata for horn, trump bone and trumpet

The song was very fairy tale like it sounded like a princess was on a carraige and riding around the village but I didn't have much time and it would be too complicated so I tried cutting out a castle with strips of music coming out of it

Schoenbergs herzegewachse foliage of art 1911

As the song was oprah,  it was really low at first and then gradually moved higher. In my artwork I used the lines coming up to show that she was shouting and the colours show how the context of the colour introduced how the colour went . The grey showed it was low while orange was high

Analysing of abstract art by kandinsky

The piece of work is by kandinsky and is very attractive to the eye and uses different colours.The work has used a lot of shapes and bright colours.It has a theme of something related to math.The space is used effectively which led to a good scale of porpotion in it as it is very close together.All times of lines are used such as horizontal ,vertical and others, this makes the person seeing it move thier eyes around the picture

My title page

In my title page I have used bright pictures so it can attract the person into looking more into it
The colours are diverse and used in different spaces so as to make it seem interesting

Monday, 21 March 2016


As the song was oprah, it was really low at first and then gradually turned higher. in my artwork, i used the lines coming up to show that she was screaming and the colors show how the song went. the grey showed when it was low while the orange show when it was high.

The song was slow at first and was depressing but then gradually moved up which is why my artwork is really dark but in the middle is the sun which glows. i wanted to try to show emotions in the sun to show how people will feel if they were listening to the song. My artwork is abstract because the sun and the dark are not meant for each other

The song was like someone taking baby steps and gradually going higher, at first i had an higher to draw a tree growing into different shades and into different colors but then i just listened to music and drew whatever came to mind.

The song was fairy-tale like, it sounded like a princess was on a carriage and riding through the village but i didnt have much time and it was going to be complicated so i tried to cut out a castle with strips of music coming out of it 

Saturday, 5 March 2016

haunted house photos

This picture shows one of the items in the room. It is soppuse to be a really old jewerely box which has been abandoned in the living room . it scares the house guest as it begins to shake furiously

it scares the hose guest as a big wool of cobwebs flies out of the box and falls on her so she would be scared and truly believe the hose is hunted.

the next items are in the basement and they are statues that hum and let thier hands follow the hose guest wherever she goes.

when the man turns away the statues head starts to move and the lady gets scared and tries to tell the man but once he looks, they stop moving

in this item we are a bookshelf who stands still when the house guest and the woman are looking at us 

but when the man looks away the books on the shelves start to fall and one of the shelve walks forward which freaks the woman out and when the man turns around everything goes back to normal

Monday, 22 February 2016

physical theatre definition

1) Use your own words to describe what you think Physical Theatre is and write a definition.

To me i think physical theatre is a type or form of theatre that focuses or emphasises on the use of physical movement reather than dialouge which isnt used much 

 2)Then upload your photos from the lesson as an example and explain what you are doing in the images and why.

In this image we were acting like a blender that sucks people's hands in  as we formed a cicle to form the blender and then someone was in the middle acting as the shredder of the blender as you can see the blender was trying to suck in his hand and he stood in a position which shows that he was trying to pull away and it was against his will.

a) Is all Physical Theatre without dialogue/words? explain 

No not all physical theatre dont have dialouge, some of the presentation actually use dialogue but only a little of it to make the audience to understand more about the show.

b) Name a Physical Theatre practitioner and tell me something about them (read all of the pages before you answer this.) 

DV8 are a group of practitioners. they are known to focus on dramatic potetianls which is unlocked from movement. Thier work is also described as crossroads where dance, sound and dram meet . They are also well known for exploring the aspects of human relationships and social or cultural issues.

c) What art forms does Physical Theatre combine? explain. 

Physical theatre combines the art of techniques such as movement, mime, gesture and dance and a lot more and this is a from of art.

d) Give an example of how you could use Physical Theatre in a performance of a play text you know. 

For romeo and juillet in the dance banquet they could have just stared at eachother in a trance and romantic music might play in the backgorund an the audience will understand that they are in love instead of actually saying "i love you".

e) Include any other information that you found interesting or did not know before.

I found out more about actual prctitioners who have this has thier jobs as i never knew people actually had jobs as this 

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

My video

I couldn't do the video because I was kicked out of the group  as I couldn't make it to the filming area. I do not have a group nor do I have a video right now.


The propose of the video was to help people become more aware of domestic violence in homes and how to take care of it. My group decided to make a video of a man and woman watching TV which showed a video about domestic violence. After this the couple sleep and then the man dreams about him coming back from work after a stressful day at work, in which he dreams about him beating his wife up. He wakes up and then says to his wife , "I will never do that to you"
Although I do not know if this has Been updated yet this is all I know about it.
We used body language like when we the wife was mad and confused she waved her hands around to show it. When the woman was also hurt on the she also curled up to show she was feeling pain.

I think we could have improved if I was able to make it to the filming area and also we should have filmed in class so we won't have to go through this much problems and we should also work on voice projection but otherwise we were pretty good.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

My clothes

my clothes
This are the clothes that goes really well with my character the gown is a symbol that goes well with the fact that it is a burial becuase it is black and goes with the mood of the event .

Monday, 18 January 2016


For this week I worked in a group with Omar, Amr and Mariam .We had to come up with 4 still images about a small play involving the burial of the two lovers and fighting about where to bury them. 

                                                               Image 1

In the first still image the husband's family came to the burial site to console the woman's family.The body language shows that the family is sad and is probably crying from the way they were positioned.The woman's family were sitting with thier face down which meant they were sad. Although the setting of what the man's family were doing was very unclear. The overall mood could be said to be sad.

Image 2

The second still image shows the family getting into an argument as to what caused the couple to decide to move.As you can see the body language shows them pointing which means they are accusing one another. we also used space as one of the family members tried to invade the private space of the woman's family member to show his arrogance.if you look at the picture, the setting is preety celar as it is tense and possibbly a fight about to break out.

Image 3

The third still image is when the they were pointing at who related to who as the mother pointed to her second daughter and the brother pointed to himself. The pointing of fingers also explains this one because they are trying to say that they both have the right to take the cropses of the lovers.

Image 4

This image shows the defeat of the woman's family to the argument as she layed slumped on the grave of her child, while the man's family gladly turn thier back and walk away. You could notice that they were defeated because the woman was slumped.