As the song was oprah, it was really low at first and then gradually turned higher. in my artwork, i used the lines coming up to show that she was screaming and the colors show how the song went. the grey showed when it was low while the orange show when it was high.
The song was slow at first and was depressing but then gradually moved up which is why my artwork is really dark but in the middle is the sun which glows. i wanted to try to show emotions in the sun to show how people will feel if they were listening to the song. My artwork is abstract because the sun and the dark are not meant for each other
The song was like someone taking baby steps and gradually going higher, at first i had an higher to draw a tree growing into different shades and into different colors but then i just listened to music and drew whatever came to mind.
The song was fairy-tale like, it sounded like a princess was on a carriage and riding through the village but i didnt have much time and it was going to be complicated so i tried to cut out a castle with strips of music coming out of it