Monday, 11 April 2016

Francis poulenc- sonata for horn, trump bone and trumpet

The song was very fairy tale like it sounded like a princess was on a carraige and riding around the village but I didn't have much time and it would be too complicated so I tried cutting out a castle with strips of music coming out of it

Schoenbergs herzegewachse foliage of art 1911

As the song was oprah,  it was really low at first and then gradually moved higher. In my artwork I used the lines coming up to show that she was shouting and the colours show how the context of the colour introduced how the colour went . The grey showed it was low while orange was high

Analysing of abstract art by kandinsky

The piece of work is by kandinsky and is very attractive to the eye and uses different colours.The work has used a lot of shapes and bright colours.It has a theme of something related to math.The space is used effectively which led to a good scale of porpotion in it as it is very close together.All times of lines are used such as horizontal ,vertical and others, this makes the person seeing it move thier eyes around the picture

My title page

In my title page I have used bright pictures so it can attract the person into looking more into it
The colours are diverse and used in different spaces so as to make it seem interesting