Tuesday 9 February 2016

My video

I couldn't do the video because I was kicked out of the group  as I couldn't make it to the filming area. I do not have a group nor do I have a video right now.


The propose of the video was to help people become more aware of domestic violence in homes and how to take care of it. My group decided to make a video of a man and woman watching TV which showed a video about domestic violence. After this the couple sleep and then the man dreams about him coming back from work after a stressful day at work, in which he dreams about him beating his wife up. He wakes up and then says to his wife , "I will never do that to you"
Although I do not know if this has Been updated yet this is all I know about it.
We used body language like when we the wife was mad and confused she waved her hands around to show it. When the woman was also hurt on the she also curled up to show she was feeling pain.

I think we could have improved if I was able to make it to the filming area and also we should have filmed in class so we won't have to go through this much problems and we should also work on voice projection but otherwise we were pretty good.


  1. Your reflection is good because you have answered all of the questions I set you and followed the correct structure. I like that you are clear about your group's ideas and that you responded creatively to this task. You have given some examples of how you used your body language to show your character, and you could have developed this further by explaining how this reflects her personality. To get a higher grade think about being more specific about how you could have developed the performance itself. 4/8 Criteria D

  2. Note: The rest of your group told me that they had to film the advert without you as you failed to turn up to any of the rehearsals.
