Tuesday, 15 September 2015

My work today (not done yet)

Composer:  Steve raich
Title: different trains
The notes are short and a bit long
The same pattern
It w a s very fast and then moved slower

 Composer :Meridith monk
 Title: Walking song
It was very soft and low and gradually turns loud
Gaps and silence

Composer: Eric whiteacre
Title : sleep

Low and soft by beginning and  then becomes high and loud
Very thick voice

A choir

Artist: wassily kandinsky
Title: squares with concentric rings

Texture is strong
small reflections
Color is balanced and not sharp

Artist :Robert delauny
No title
It's  flowing, simple and thick
It has a coarsely texture to it
It is a enlongated and curvaceous  shape that keeps going on

1 comment:

  1. Ameenah,
    Thank you for completing the assignment (even though, in the title, you stated, 'Not done yet.')
    I feel as though you could've described both the art and music using more terms given and been more detailed.
    criterion A: 6
    criterion D: 8
